The small village named Sarungga where the Barclay Mowlem Indonesia build his site office and camp for support construction of 25 km the overland belt conveyor project in 1996 to 1999.
village located approx. 25 km from Batulicin city or 7 hour by car from
Banjarmasin the country town of South Kalimantan province.
Its very nice to stay in the camp site with tropical jungle atmosphere around the living camp, if you open the window in the morning you will find the chipmunk run on the top of fence or sometimes the monkey sitting in the fence.
I am will not tell you how the project done but I will share you the photos about the situation around the work area used my photos collection.
The camp population is all the more big than the village
population and they call the camp with “ Barclay’s Village or Kampong Barclay”.
This village is remote place, so the communication used
satellite phone with very expensive cost, but
who will care is every body need communication with their family in
other island or other country included the official communication between Barclay village with many others
place in Australia.
We have good relation ship with the other villages, some of the
man from Kampong Barclay get married with the other villager and this moment is
very special for the peoples, every ceremony & marriage parties presented
by Barclay’s villager will make proudly of the native villager, especially the
Kampong Chief, is not the ordinary parties happened made by the native
villager, every parties involved the kampong Barclay villager is extraordinary
parties, they have to prepared the food more than the usually but anyhow they
are happiness have a relation ship with Kampong Barclay.
Almost every Saturday night in the every Camp in Kampong
Barclay garden, we make a barbeque party,
Camp A who lives the Managers, Camp B lives the supervisor & superintendent
and Camp C who lives the skill labor and the supporting, all the barbeque is
support by the villager included the meal, sometimes we got the deer from the
jungle for the barbeque.
And every three months we have Entertainment Day for the all
Barclay workers/villager with invited the band and singer from the other city
in South Kalimantan, this even is limited for the Barclay workers only, and the
food is support by the canteen Barclays.
We passed the two times of Independency Days , two times of
Christmas and two times the Ramadhan and Idul Fitri moment, all that times were
passed with happiness and gladness.
I have no much pictures for the moments at Kampung Barclay,
but some of the pictures will bring you to try the experiences in Kampong
I try to bring you to see the atmosphere of the Barclay Village/Kampong Barclay surrounding.